
21st Century Tints

32 Banbury Road
Nuffield Industrial Estate
BH17 0GA
United Kingdom

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  • Mr Paul Wilson - Managing Director


21st Century Window Tinting offers a wide range of window films, vinyls, solar blinds and solar inserts which can be applied in a variety of ways, from cars and vans to office windows and home conservatories. Our products are made to the very highest standards to ensure a quality, consistent finish, and are installed by professional technicians with a vast amount of experience.
21st Century Window Tinting has been providing these services for over 10 years, and has installed films, blinds and inserts for a wide range of clients. Our portfolio of products is always growing, ensuring we can continue to satisfy customer glazing requirements for many years to come.
We now also offer a range of vehicle services to complement those that we already provide. They include vehicle tuning, vehicle wrapping, vehicle graphics application and ECU remapping. Based in Poole, 21st Century Window Tinting is able to cover a broad geographical area in the South West, and can also provide mobile services in certain circumstances.
Find out more about our products and services by visiting the 21st Century Window Tinting website.

Commercial Tints

Over the years, 21st Century Window Tinting has provided services for a diverse range of commercial clients, from restaurants and hotels to retail stores and supermarkets. Window tinting has many benefits, chief among them the elegant look it adds to an architectural design. They are also a useful way of reflecting unwelcome heat and light, which can pose a particular problem for offices where computers are used. Our commercial window films are available in a range of colours, shades and performance levels, allowing you to find a solution that best suits your needs.

Vehicle Tints

21st Century Window Tinting provides a professional vehicle window tinting service for trade customers and the general public. We employ a team of fully qualified technicians with a wealth of experience, which means you can always expect a quality look and a consistent finish. Dealerships already onboard include Honda, Vauxhall, Mercedes and Land Rover. The benefits of a window film include:

  • 80% less heat and glare
  • Greater privacy and style
  • Greater ultraviolet protection
  • Keeps the vehicle’s interior cool
  • Eradicates the need for sunscreens
  • Protects the driver and passengers in the event of an accident

Visit our website to find out more about the types of tint available at 21st Century Window Tinting.

Vehicle Graphics

21st Century Window Tinting has diversified and now brings a wealth of experience to the design and application of full colour vehicle graphics. Whatever your design, we can get it applied to your car, van or lorry, always ensuring a quality finish that does your company justice. If you would like to find out more about this service, please contact us on 01202 677 848.

Vehicle Tuning

The team at 21st Century are experts in remapping and tuning car ECU chips, which can drastically improve engine efficiency and increase power, torque and fuel economy. By altering the vehicle’s management system we can also improve drivability without compromising reliability. If you would like to talk to one of our experts about our vehicle tuning services, then give us a call on 01202 677 848.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 1998 (26 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Distributor
  • Service Providers

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