
A Plus Safety & Training Services Ltd

Stratton Park House
Wanborough Road
United Kingdom

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We provide a full consultancy service and specialise in supporting small businesses who cannot afford to employ a health and safety manager. Our consultants have many years of health and safety experience and hold an impressive number of qualifications to their names.
We are an accredited training and examination centre for many of the leading safety organisations and also provide CDM Co-ordinator services .
As a testament to our success we have worked with many of our clients for a number of years. We welcome enquiries and should be pleased to make an appointment for a free no obligation discussion.
Training Courses include:
NEBOSH courses to Diploma level,
IOSH incl;uding Managing Safely
CIEH including PTTLS,
Constructionskills including SMSTS,
First Aid courses
Asbestos Awareness
and many others
Consultancy includes:
Risk Assessments
CDM Co-ordinator services
Fire Risk Assessments
CHAS accreditation
Constructionline accreditation
Competent Person Facility
Environmental consultancy



Registration Number: 07650980
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:31 May, 2011 (13 years ago)
No of Employees: 1-10
Annual Turnover: 0-200k
Company Type:
  • Service Providers
UK Branches: Swindon


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