
Assist It Solutions Ltd

Unit 4, Heather Court
Shaw Wood Business Park
Shaw Wood Way, Off Leger Way
South Yorkshire
United Kingdom

Company has 1 related addresses



Assist IT Solutions is a Yorkshire-based software specialist offering a range of off-the-shelve software packages and bespoke software development services. We have software solutions to help you handle:

  • Purchase orders
  • Asset maintenance/management
  • Employee attendance and holiday scheduling
  • Weighbridge ticketing
  • Automated NavMan™ reporting

Assist IT Solutions have been developing specialist software for over 15 years. As well as numerous standard software packages, we offer very competitive bespoke software development services for clients requiring unique solutions. 

If you cannot find an existing software solution on our website that meets your needs, please just get in touch - our experienced software developers can be reached on 01302 830 113.

More information on our standard software packages can be found in the sections below and on the Assist IT Solutions website. 


Mainten-Ace is a planned maintenance scheduling application that allows you to record the servicing details of all your company assets. The software then automatically reminds you when these assets (plant, equipment, vehicles, etc.) are due for service or inspection. Mainten-Ace can even remind you when your insurance is due for renewal, or when your employees require further training or assessment. It’s incredibly easy to use, and because Mainten-Ace operates over the internet, your Head Office / central maintenance staff will be able to monitor the real-time status of assets wherever they are in the world. Find out more about this powerful software package by visiting Assist IT Solutions online.


PurchAce is a powerful yet user-friendly software solution that helps you to manage all your corporate purchases. Features and benefits include:

  • A purchase order layout design application that allows you to modify the layout of your printed or emailed purchase orders. 
  • An internal notes facility for information that can only be seen by users and a printed notes facility for when you need to print information at the end of your purchase order.
  • PurchAce allows you to assign purchase order lines to specific cost centres.
  • Purchase orders can be assigned and sent to a specified manager for approval. 
  • A purchase order search facility allows you to quickly find old POs. 

Find out more by visiting Assist IT Solutions online. 


Attend-Ace is a multi-user, internet-based employee holidays and attendance system that makes managing human resources as simple and straightforward as possible. Powerful, flexible and easy to use, AttendAce allows you to:

  • Set the programme’s calendar so that it matches your company year commencement date.
  • Define holiday allowance so that the system can calculate what each person is entitled to in a year.
  • Define holiday restrictions so that only a certain amount of employees can be on holiday at the same time. 
  • Set non-work dates to prevent holidays being booked at certain times. 
  • Set compulsory holiday dates for company shut-down periods. 
  • Set ‘day in lieu’ dates. 


Weighbridge-Ace is a computerised weighbridge ticketing application that automatically obtains weight values from your weighbridge and prints tickets accordingly. Payments made by cash, cheque or both can then be logged on the system using the tickets. The application also allows you to run reports on historic tickets. If you would like to find out more about Weighbridge-Ace, please contact Assist IT Solutions on 01302 830 113.

IRIS Payroll Software

IRIS Payroll is a user-friendly software package designed to make running payroll as simple and straightforward as possible, allowing smaller companies to concentrate on their core business activities instead of spending hours and days negotiating their way through complex payroll legislation. IRIS Payroll’s intuitive menu structure is easy to navigate and its features are simple to use – all you need to do is follow the pre-set processes and the software will handle the rest. Features/applications within the software package include:

  • Report Manager
  • Absence Diary
  • Graphical P35 Preview
  • Payroll Preview
  • Data Import/Export
  • IRIS Payroll help and guidelines

More information can be found on the Assist IT Solutions website. 


NMRS2 is designed to work with the NavMan™ tracking system. This powerful piece of software supplements NavMan™ by automatically generating multiple exception reports based on the movements and activities of your vehicles. It then automatically emails these reports to your decision makers, either on a daily or weekly basis. Find out more about how it works by visiting Assist IT Solutions online, or by calling us on 01302 830 113.

Bespoke Software

As well as the standard software packages listed above, Assist IT Solutions is able to offer bespoke software development services for customers requiring unique solutions. Of course, we can also modify our existing software to meet your individual needs – we wrote it, so know how to adapt it! 

All of our software packages are developed for Windows-based PCs using Microsoft technologies. To discuss your software requirements with one of our experienced developers, just give us a call on 01302 830 113.



Registration Number: 06087826
VAT Number: n/a
Registered at Companies House:7 February, 2007 (17 years and 3 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Service Providers

Opening Times

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Thursday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Friday 09:00 AM - 05:30 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

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If you've any questions about Assist It Solutions Ltd products or services feel free to ask them here.

Additional Information

Brand & Trade Names

  • AttendAce Employee holidays sosftware
  • Mainten-Ace Asset maintenance, vehicle servicing, Defect logging, accident logging software
  • PurchAce Corporate purchase order software
  • Weighbridge Ace Weighbridge software for ticket printing, customer records and reporting

Financial Information

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