
P2 Contracts Ltd

Unit 11 Staunton Industrial Estate
Staunton In The Vale
NG13 9PF
United Kingdom

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Shaped Formers, interlocked to aid rapid assembly Shaped Desktops Exibition Pieces/Stands Furniture Components Joinery Components Complete Package Recently created, to become the only CNC Routering Specialist, in and around Nottingham. Routered4u has been organised in such a way to enable us to be very cost effective, so we are able to deliver consistently high levels of quality, service, technical ability and value for money. Operating a SCM Record 130 machining centre with a maximum panel dimension of 10' X 4'. The machine has 12 onboard tools, 5 vertical drills, 4 horizontal drills and a 9" saw unit. We are able to produce all manner of joinery/shopfitting projects or components. We can work from your existing drawings or we can start from a design concept and produce the suitable components to complete your project, leaving you to produce the easier components of your project Routered4u uses technology effectively, to provide fast, flexible, accurate, and cost-effective CNC routering, enabling a huge variety of products, of virtually any size, shape & number. Characterised by the highest quality & levels of precision.



Registration Number: n/a
VAT Number: n/a
Founded:1 January, 2006 (18 years and 5 months ago)
No of Employees: n/a
Annual Turnover: n/a
Company Type:
  • Manufacturer
  • Fabricator
  • Stockholder


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